Thursday 21 May 2015

Funny Spanish Sayings Funny Sayings Tumblr About Love For Kids And Pictures About Friends About Life And Quotes Wallpapers About Work Images

Funny Spanish Sayings Biography

Con el dinero baila el perro. – With money, the dog will dance; meaning: With money, anything is possible.

Dando y dando, pajarito volando. – Giving and giving, the bird is flying; meaning: Scratch my back, I will scratch yours.

El amor es como el WI-FI, a medida que te alejas, pierde intensidad. – Love it’s just like Wi-Fi, as you go further away, it loses its intensity.

El cambio es inevitable, excepto cuando se trata de de una máquina expendedora. – Change is inevitable, except from a vending machine.

La burocracia es un mecanismo gigante operado por pigmeos. – Bureaucracy is a giant mechanism operated by pygmies.

La experiencia es algo que no se tiene hasta poco después de que se necesita. – Experience is something you don’t get until just after you need it.

Mi bebida se siente sola. ¿Te gustaría acompañarme con la tuya? – My drink is getting  -lonely. Would you like to join me with yours?

No esperar lo inesperado no hace que lo inesperado se convierta en lo esperado? ข Doesn’t expecting the unexpected make the unexpected become the expected?

Para todo mal, mezcal, para toda bien, tambien. – For every ill, drink Mezcal (type of liquor), For everything good, as well.

Perdona a tus enemigos … pero recuerda sus nombres! – Forgive your enemies…but REMEMBER THEIR NAMES!

Pocas mujeres admiten su edad. Pocos hombres actuan acorde a su edad. – Few women admit their age. Few men act theirs.

Te metiste en camisa de once baras. – You’ve put on a shirt made of eleven sticks; meaning: You’ve bitten off more than you can chew.

Un buen vecino… es el que no le pone clave al Wi-Fi. – A good neigbour … Is one that leaves free Wi-Fi.

Vale, puedes quedarte a mi lado, siempre que no hables sobre el clima.– OK, you can stand next to me as long as you don’t talk about the weather.

Mientras se gana algo no se pierde nada.
As long as something is gained nothing is lost.
Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra NEW!!

El arte es una mentira que nos acerca a la verdad.
Art is a lie which brings us closer to truth.
Pablo Picasso

El mundo de hoy no tiene sentido, así que ¿por qué debería pintar cuadros que lo tuvieran?
Today´s world doesn´t make any sense, so why should I paint
pictures that do?
Pablo Picasso (continued)

El más terrible de todos los sentimientos es el sentimiento de tener la esperanza muerta.
The most terrible of all feelings is the feeling of one´s hope having died.
Federico García Lorca

Lo importante es que hablen de ti, aunque sea bien.
The important thing is that people talk about you, even if they speak well.
Salvador Dalí

Nada hay más surreal que la realidad.
There´s nothing as surreal as reality.
Salvador Dalí (continued)

Hay un cierto placer en la locura, que solo el loco conoce.
There´s a certain pleasure in madness that only the madman knows.
Pablo Neruda

No hables a menos que puedas mejorar el silencio.
Don´t speak unless you can improve on silence.
Jorge Luis Borges

La sabiduría nos llega cuando ya no nos sirve de nada.
Wisdom comes to us when it’s already too late.
Gabriel García Márquez

En realidad las cosas verdaderamente difíciles son todo lo que la gente cree poder hacer a cada momento.
In realiy, things that are truly difficult are those that people believe they can do at any time.
Julio Cortázar

La vanidad es tan fantástica, que hasta nos induce a preocuparnos de lo que pensarán de nosotros una vez muertos y enterrados.
Vanity is so fantastic that it even induces us to worry about what people will think about us once we´re dead and buried.
Ernesto Sábato

La noche es la mejor representación de la infinitud del universo. Nos hace creer que nada tiene principio y nada, fin.
Night-time is the best indication of the infinity of the universe. It makes us believe that nothing has beginning or end.
Carlos Fuentes

Se escribe para llenar vacíos, para tomarse desquites contra la realidad, contra las circunstancias.
One writes to fill emptiness, to take revenge against reality, against circumstances.

La incertidumbre es una margarita cuyos pétalos no se terminan jamás de deshojar.
Uncertainty is a daisy whose petals are never fully plucked.

Sólo un idiota puede ser totalmente feliz.
Only an idiot can be totally happy.
Mario Vargas Llosa

El que busca la verdad corre el riesgo de encontrarla.
Who searches for truth runs the risk of finding it.
Isabel Allende

Si sólo hablásemos cuando tenemos algo que decir, el uso del lenguaje desaparecería en dos generaciones.
If we were to speak only when we have something to say, the use of language would disappear in two generations.
Noel Clarasó

El misterio es el elemento clave en toda obra de arte.
Mystery is the key element in all works of art.
Luis Buñuel

A beber y a tragar, que el mundo se va a acabar. Eat, drink and be merry (for tomorrow we die).

A buen(a) hambre, no hay mal pan / pan duro, (ni falta salsa a ninguno) /no hace falta condimento. A mucha hambre, no hay pan duro. Al hambre de siete dias, no hay pan duro. Beggars can’t be choosers.For a good appetite there is no hard bread.

A cada puerco le llega su sabado / San Martin. Everyone gets his comeuppance in the end / just deserts sooner or later.

A diario una manzana es cosa sana. An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

A donde el corazon se inclina, el pie camina. Home is where the heart is.

A donde te quieren mucho no vengas a menudo. A constant guest is never welcome.

A falta de pan, buenas son (las) tortas / las tortas son buenas. We’ll just have to make do.

A la ocasion la pintan calva. You have to make the most of the chances that come your way.You have to strike while the iron is hot.

A los tontos no les dura el dinero. A fool and his money are soon parted.

A pan de quince dias, hambre de tres semanas. Beggars can’t be choosers.For a good appetite there is no hard bread.Hunger is good kitchen.
Hunger is the best sauce.

Hunger never saw bad bread / food.

When one is hungry everything tastes good.

A quien cuida la peseta nunca le falta un duro. Look after the pennies, and the pounds will look after themselves.

A quien Dios ama, le llama. Whom the gods love die young.

A quien no le sobra pan, no crie can. Never spend your money before you have it.

A quien Dios quiere para si, poco tiempo lo tiene aqui. Whom the gods love die young.

A rey muerto, rey puesto. As soon as one goes out the window, another comes in the door.

A todos les llega su momento de gloria. Every dog has its day.

Abundancia y soberbia andan en pareja. Plenty breed pride.

Al buen pagador no le duelen prendas. A good payer will not object to leaving a deposit.

Al desdichado hace consuelo tener compania en su suerte y duelo. Two in distress makes sorrow less.

Al freir sera el reir (y al pagar sera el llorar). At the game’s end we shall see who gains.

Al que no quiera(e) caldo / taza, (se le dan) taza y media / dos / tres / siete tazas. It never rains, but it pours.

Al vivo la hogaza y al muerto, la mortaja. We must live by the living, not by the dead.

Algo es algo; menos es nada. Half a loaf is better than no bread.

Amar es tiempo perdido, si no se es correspondido. Amar y no ser amado es tiempo mal empleado. 

Amar, horas perdidas, sino son correspondidas.

Amor no correspondido, tiempo perdido.

Of all pains, the greatest pain, is to love, but love in vain.

Amigo y vino, el mas antiguo. Old friends and old wine and old gold are best.

Amor con amor se paga; y lo demas con dinero. Love does much, money does everything.

Amor no respeta ley, ni obedece a rey. Love laughs at locksmiths.

Aquellos polvos traen estos lodos. The chickens have come home to roost.You’re suffering the consequences now.

Ausencia al mas amigo presto le pone en olvido. Ausencias causan olvido. Long absent, soon forgotten.

Borra con el codo lo que escribe con la mano. Her left hand doesn’t know what her right hand is doing.

Borron y cuenta nueva. Let bygones be bygones.

Cada uno en su casa, y Dios en la de todos. Each to his own and God watching over everyone.

Cada uno es / era de su padre y de su madre. They are / were all different.

Cada uno habla de la feria segun le va en ella. Everyone sees things from his / her own point of view.

Cada uno sabe (a) donde le aprieta el zapato. Each person knows where problems lie.

Chancho limpio nunca engorda. A few germs never hurt anyone.

Comer hasta enfermar y ayunar hasta sanar. He that eats till he is sick must fast till he is well.

Comida hecha, compania deshecha. When good cheer is lacking, our friends will be packing.
Comiendo entra la gana. Appetite comes with eating.

Como (que) dos y dos son cuatro. As sure as eggs is eggs / (God made) little green apples / night follows day / the day is long.

Funny Spanish Sayings Funny Sayings Tumblr About Love For Kids And Pictures About Friends About Life And Quotes Wallpapers About Work Images
Funny Spanish Sayings Funny Sayings Tumblr About Love For Kids And Pictures About Friends About Life And Quotes Wallpapers About Work Images
Funny Spanish Sayings Funny Sayings Tumblr About Love For Kids And Pictures About Friends About Life And Quotes Wallpapers About Work Images
Funny Spanish Sayings Funny Sayings Tumblr About Love For Kids And Pictures About Friends About Life And Quotes Wallpapers About Work Images
Funny Spanish Sayings Funny Sayings Tumblr About Love For Kids And Pictures About Friends About Life And Quotes Wallpapers About Work Images
Funny Spanish Sayings Funny Sayings Tumblr About Love For Kids And Pictures About Friends About Life And Quotes Wallpapers About Work Images
Funny Spanish Sayings Funny Sayings Tumblr About Love For Kids And Pictures About Friends About Life And Quotes Wallpapers About Work Images
Funny Spanish Sayings Funny Sayings Tumblr About Love For Kids And Pictures About Friends About Life And Quotes Wallpapers About Work Images
Funny Spanish Sayings Funny Sayings Tumblr About Love For Kids And Pictures About Friends About Life And Quotes Wallpapers About Work Images
Funny Spanish Sayings Funny Sayings Tumblr About Love For Kids And Pictures About Friends About Life And Quotes Wallpapers About Work Images

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